The civil service exam is the type of examination that must be passed by those who wish to find a job in the government or in civil service, as the exam’s name suggests.

    Governments around the world implement various examinations, but all aim to use this method to use the exam as a merit system to gauge the applicants’ capacity for working in the public sector.

    In the Philippines, the civil service exams are created and administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC). The commission also keeps the records of all exam passers for future reference.

    We hope that this reviewer will give you a birds eye view of your CSE journey and the needed exposure to the actual tests you will take, preparing you psychologically and removing the mental block and nervousness which are deterrent factors in passing the examination.

You can select RANDOM TESTS below or take the TEST MANUALLY. 

Each question in the quiz is of multiple-choices. Read each question carefully and assess yourself by taking this test seriously and honesty.

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Best time schedule for review and tips on how to follow it strictly

Preparing for an exam is a little bit a challenging yet tricky on the part of the reviewee. It is very hard to put your focus on what to do and what to review first because of so many disturbances that may occur.

Each reviewee has a different technique in his/her preparation for the exam. If a reviewee enrolls in a review center, then he/she will expect an eight-hour review. Most review centers offer an eight-hour review with two snacks and a lunch break.

If a reviewee prefers to stay at home and have a self-review, then he/she will be the master of his/her own time. Now, this is the hardest part of the game. The reviewee will estimate and schedule everything.

When is the Best Time to Study?

The best time of the day to review is between 10 A.M and 2 P.M.

Studies prove that during this time, the brain is in acquisition mode which is most effective. This is the time of the day wherein your brain works the best. You have also to make sure you eat your healthy breakfast for energy.

Another best time is from 4 P.M. to 10 P.M.

You don’t need to force your brain to review everything that fast. You have to give time for your brain to cool down also. You have to be consistent in your review pattern to achieve best results.

Tips for a Better Review

  • Sleep is very important, so achieve for an 8-10 hours of sleep everyday
  • Do not force your brain to ingest everything. You have to give time to your brain to cool down after long hours of studying.
  • Eat your healthy meals. After all you are using your brain so you need to eat healthy to recharge it.
  • Find time to relax if your brain is already full.
  • Request your family members to give you space and time for your review.
  • Control gadget use.
  • Select the best place in the house where you can review without any disturbance. In case your house is near the city where all vehicles pass, you may opt to go to a library or any study hub.
  • If you are getting a review in a review center, you need to rest your brain after it. It means you don’t need to study hard after getting home. Relax first before you resume for self-study.
  • Create a review schedule or pattern for you to follow. It is important to be consistent enough for best result.
  • Prayer is the best tool for everything.
  • Be motivated and think of your goal.