Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 7 Part 9

This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Which terms to the act of educating a child with special education needs partially in a special education classroom and partially in regular classroom?

A. Mainstreaming

B. Inclusion

C. Individualization

D. Head Start


Option A

2. It is good to give students challenging and creative tasks because

A. development is aided by stimulation

B. the development of individual is unique

C. development is effective by cultural changes

D. development is the individual‘s choice


Option A

3. The process of one‘s thinking to develop critical thinking is known as______

A. Metacognition

B. Hypothesizing

C. Reflection

D. Meditation


Option A

4. It is an intensive investigation of a particular individual, institution, community or any group considered as a unit which includes the development, adjustment, remedial or corrective procedures that suitably follow diagnosis of the causes of maladjustment or of favorable behaviors.

A. Experimental

B. Descriptive

C. Historical

D. Case study


Option D

5. Which of the following test is used as a basis in giving grades or rating?

A. Mastery

B. Formative

C. Summative

D. Post test


Option B

6. It is the process of judging an attribute based on certain goals or standards.

A. Counseling

B. Measuring

C. Evaluating

D. Testing


Option A

7. Which of the following criteria is the most important in test construction?

A. Preparation of Table of Specification

B. Items must jive with the objectives

C. Arrange events in occurrence

D. The stem should contain the central problem


Option C

8. Which of the following type of test is not advisable to be used as a diagnostic test?

A. Multiple choice

B. Short response

C. Essays

D. True false


Option C

9. Why should negative terms be avoided in the stem of multiple choice items?

A. They may be overlooked

B. It increases the difficulty of scoring

C. It increase the length of the stem

D. They make the construction of alternatives more difficult


Option D

10. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. Standard Deviation


Option D

11. What is the norm of a test?

A. The mean of grouping scores

B. The standard of for adequate performance

C. The standard deviation of a group of scores

D. The typical performance of a certain group of individuals who took the test


Option D

12. Which of the following is the most important stage in testing process?

A. Constructing test items

B. Establishing test reliability

C. Improving test items

D. Interpreting test result


Option D

13. What does a Table of Specification establish?

A. construct validity

B. content related validity and criterion reference

C. content validity and construct validity

D. content validity and content related validity


Option C

14. Aura Vivian is one half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic and one standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?

A. she excels both in spelling and arithmetic

B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling

C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic

D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic


Option D

15. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under?

A. criterion reference test

B. intelligence test

C. aptitude test

D. norm reference test


Option A

16. These are significant in formation about a student, gathered through the use of various techniques, assembled, summarize and organized in such a way that they may be used effectively. What is referred to?

A. Cumulative record

B. Case studies

C. Test profiles

D. personnel inventory


Option A

17. The inclusion of the study of Rizal and other national heroes in the school curriculum in order to inculcate love of country is based on a(an).

A. pragmatist philosophy

B. existentialist philosophy

C. idealist philosophy

D. realist philosophy


Option D

18. It is an area of philosophy which on the nature of knowledge and the best method of teaching is.

A. Epistemology

B. Ethics

C. Metaphysics

D. Aesthetics


Option A

19. A test is considered reliable if

A. it is easy to score

B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed

C. It is consistent and stable

D. it is easy to administer


Option C

20. Which is an element of norm referenced grading?

A. the student‘s pat performance

B. an absolute standard

C. the performance of the group

D. what constitutes a perfect score


Option C

21. Mario obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that

A. He surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees

B. He got a score of 80

C. He surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees

D. He answered 80 items correctly


Option A

22. Which element should be present for brainstorming to be effective?

A. Lax atmosphere

B. Teacher‘s non judgmental attitude

C. Teacher‘s use of "put down" strategy

D. Threatening atmosphere


Option B

23. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting important facts very fast?

A. Silent reading

B. Skim reading

C. Oral reading

D. Scanning


Option D

24. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in.

A. picking out the main ideas

B. all sorts of study methods

C. reading skills needed in other subjects

D. recognizing the precise meaning of words


Option C

25. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Math by checking and reviewing on the previous day‘s assignment practice and drills?

A. Prepare the students for the mastery test

B. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students

C. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment

D. Make sure that the students understand the pre requisite skills of the lesson


Option D

26. The test item ―Group the following items according to shape‖ is a thought question on.

A. creating

B. generalizing

C. comparing

D. classifying


Option D

27. Which one should teacher B use if he wants to teach to pupils the relationship among details?

A. Journal entries

B. Story frame

C. Graphic organizers

D. Learning log


Option C

28. "What I hear, I forget. What I see I remember. What I do, I understand." This means that pupils learn best when they.

A. learn independently

B. work with groups

C. watch TV

D. take active part in the learning process


Option D

29. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores

A. Scattergram

B. Histogram

C. Frequency polygon

D. Scatterplot


Option B

30. According to Erikson, identity and role confusion occurs during

A. Elementary Years

B. High school years

C. College years

D. Preschool years


Option B

31. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation and_______

A. Evaluation

B. Question

C. Metacognition

D. Education


Option A

32. Who among the following developed the Social Learning Theory?

A. Bandura

B. Kohlberg

C. Bruner

D. Skinner


Option A

33. When a teacher present a morally ambiguous situation to his students and ask them what to do, the teacher‘s technique is based on the theory of

A. Bandura

B. Piaget

C. Kohlberg

D. Bruner


Option C

34. According to Maslow, the highest of the need in the Hierarchy of Needs theory is

A. Psychological need

B. Self actualization

C. belongingn

D. Safety


Option B

35. Based on Freud‘s theory, which operates when a person is in the height of anger?

A. Ego

B. Superego

C. Id and ego

D. Id


Option D

36. Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by

A. Connecting facts and concepts

B. Fostering conducive learning environment

C. Using reinforcement

D. Using manipulative devices


Option C

37. "Women should not study since they will be marrying soon". If a father tells his daughter this, can we consider his premise morally right?

A. Depends on the family social status

B. Yes, women are mean for the home

C. No, women can perform just like men

D. No, there is gender equality in education


Option D

38. In Piaget‘s concrete operational stage, teacher Maritel should provide________.

A. Activities of hypothesis formulation

B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order

C. Activities for evaluation purposes

D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with


Option B

39. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child‘s history, the counselor was able to find out that the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student‘s reading disability?

A. Emotional Factors

B. Poor teaching

C. Neurological factors

D. Immaturity


Option A

40. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won‘t cheat ever again Based on Thorndike‘s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that_______

A. Punishment strengthens a response

B. Punishment removes response

C. Punishment doesn‘t remove a response

D. Punishment weakens a response


Option D

41. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child‘s, the child is_______

A. Considering the views of others

B. Distinguishing sex references

C. Socializing

D. Distinguishing right from wrong


Option D

42. According to Sigmund Freud, the main proponent of Psychoanalytic Theory, the superego is mainly concerned with

A. The resolution of conflict within the self

B. The finding of greater satisfaction

C. The idea of right and wrong

D. The development of healthy psyche


Option C

43. Modeling is a teaching rooted on________ learning theory

A. Bandura

B. Skinner

C. Thorndike

D. Bruner


Option A

44. Teacher Marissa would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the probabilities of greater participation during discussion. It is highly possible that teacher Marissa will

A. Put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide them to new ideas

B. Allow them to think about thinking

C. Give a star token to those who will participate

D. Let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better understand the topic


Option C

45. One of the traits of many students is putting more emphasis on ―porma‖ over substance. This is likely to be shown when

A. A written report was submitted by a student with shabby cover but comprehensive content

B. A written report was submitted by a student using ―perfumed‖ stationary but poor content

C. A written report was submitted by a student two days ahead of time

D. A written report was submitted by a student two days late


Option B

46. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a characteristic of a teacher who understand the principle of

A. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation

B. Proactive teaching as a modern technique of teaching

C. Facilitating learning with emphasis on individual differences

D. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques


Option C

47. The best example of Operant Conditioning among the following is

A. Connecting facts and concepts

B. Fostering conducive learning environment

C. Using reinforcement

D. Using manipulative devices


Option C

48. He is considered as the first special education student.

A. Victor of Aveyron

B. Tarzan of the Jungle

C. Sigmund Freud

D. Alfred Binet


Option A

49. The Father of modern psychology

A. Carl Jung

B. Aristotle

C. Sigmund Freud

D. Alfred Binet


Option C

50. He is postulated that man psyche is composed of animus and the anima

A. Karen Horney

B. Carl Jung

C. Willism James

D. Cattell


Option B

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