This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. The world has become a global village. What sound practice is expected of teachers?

A. Ethnocentrism

B. Xenocentrism

C. Cultural diversity

D. Culture shock


Option C

2. Which of the following contributes to the provision of quality education?

A. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms.

B. Hire the best teacher applicants from the Division pool.

C. Provide adequate textbooks and other instructional materials.

D. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and conducive environment to learning.


Option B

3. The following characterize a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background and gender, EXCEPT:

A. Inclusive

B. Gender-sensitive

C. Exclusive

D. Safe and conducive


Option C

4. Which of the following BEST reflects a professional teacher’s conviction of the nobility of the teaching profession?

A. Timely feedback

B. Mastery learning

C. Community involvement

D. Lifelong learning


Option D

5. Education plays a crucial role in achieving sustainability. This can be done by promoting__________.

A. gender bias

B. bullying

C. environmental protection

D. ethnocenterism


Option C

6. What is the best way for a new teacher to blend into your school’s unique culture?

A. Orientation by peers.

B. Memorizing the Code of Conduct.

C. Understanding the schools’ vision, mission, and goals.

D. Involvement in planning activities.


Option D

7. Are vocational teachers required of professional license?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Only if they teach in the regular school

D. Only if they have less than 5 years of teaching experience.


Option A

8. Which of the following scenarios demonstrate a globally aware teacher? 

I. He/she studies and tries to understand other nations, cultures, and languages. 

II. He/she conscientiously studies her own area of expertise. 

     III. He/she works collaboratively with his or her diverse learners in a spirit of honesty, mutual respect, and open dialogue.

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. I and III

D. All of them


Option C

9. Which aspect of work needs to be taught to future employers and employees in the 21st century workplace?

A. Wages and incentives

B. Human rights issues

C. Industry skills and orientation

D. Loyalty for company and work


Option C

10. What could be one of the challenges of multicultural education?

A. High social skills of learners

B. High language proficiency

C. Multi-cultural school setting

D. Content integration


Option D

11. After being observed, Teacher Belen received a comment from Principal Calugtong that she has a mastery of the content yet cannot make her students interested and engaged in the discussion. Principal Calugtong asked her to read an article entitled, “Teachers of the 21st Century.” From her readings, which do you think can help Teacher Belen?

A. Entrepreneurial skills

B. Interdisciplinary skills

C. Cultural skills

D. Information and technology skills


Option D

12. Which of the following has greatly influenced the introduction of K-12 reform in basic education?

A. need to allot for more funding

B. need to upgrade facilities of schools

C. need to employ more teachers

D. need to conform international standards


Option D

13. Other than para-teachers, who else are entitled to a special permit?

A. A person who has all the qualities of an effective teacher.

B. A person who has gained international recognition.

C. A person who is widely acknowledged expert in his/her specialization.

D. Both B and C.


Option D

14. Which of the following is a quality of an engaging learning environment most reflective of Education For All (EFA)?

A. Decentralized governance

B. Student-centered learning activities

C. Innovations to enhance learning for all types of learners

D. Open communications for all-teachers, parents, students


Option A

15. Which alternative delivery mode frees children from the confines of the four corners of the classroom as it allows pupils to learn even while at home or in the community?

A. Multi-grade Program

B. Adopt-A-School Program




Option C

16. Of the following, which is the most powerful source of values like beauty and goodness outside the school system?

A. Government propaganda

B. Nature

C. Commercial advertising

D. Mass media


Option D

17. The Department of Education authorizes contributions in schools but not during enrolment. Which is NOT an authorized contribution?

A. Boy/Girl Scouts

B. Philippine National Red Cross

C. School Organization

D. School Publication


Option C

18. Why was Science NOT included as a separate subject in Grades 1 and 2 under the Basic Education Curriculum?

A. To decongest the curriculum

B. To make learning more enjoyable

C. Science concepts are embedded in learning areas

D. All of the above


Option D

19. “Barrio High School Movement”:__________; “Iloilo Experiment”:__________

A. Pedro Orata; Jose Aguilar

B. Jose Aguilar; Pedro Orata

C. Francisco Benitez; Ramon Magsaysay

D. Ramon Magsaysay; Francisco Benitez


Option A

20. Martin Luther King’s philosophy is rooted in the concept of non-violence. This adheres with the teachings of_________

A. Buddhism

B. Hinduism

C. Taoism

D. Islam


Option B

21. A school principal wants to emphasize the pillar “Learning to Do” in his school. Which of the following can help her teachers achieve this objective?

A. Art of Empathy

B. Art of Dialogue

C. Artistic Skills

D. Occupational Training


Option D

22. Among the four pillars, the Delor’s Commission emphasized one. Which of the following is consistent with this important pillar?

A. Technical-vocational skills

B. Analytical skills

C. Interpersonal skills

D. Joint projects


Option D

23. A certain public school is occupying an area inside a subdivision, while its students live in the fringes of that subdivision. The well-heeled residents often complain about the noise, litter and petty crimes allegedly done by the students. As concerned teachers, what should you do?

A. Engage the students in regular clean-up activities around the streets surrounding the school.

B. Call the students and their parents in weekly conferences to let them know about the grievances of the residents.

C. Together with the principal, have a dialogue with the Homeowners Association on ways that will mutually benefit the school and the subdivision.

D. Ask the principal to bring the matter to the local government since it is beyond your school’s jurisdiction.


Option C

24. On the first day of school, you immediately notice a transferee in your class. As days go by, you also notice the student is shy to recite due to her provincial accent and lacks fluency in Filipino. Which of the following is the LEAST effective way to ease her discomfort and pave the way for the class to take her in?

A. Talk to her outside of class everytime you have the chance.

B. Ask her to tell something about herself and the place she came from in front of her classmates.

C. Treat her like one of your regular students, but make it known she can approach you anytime.

D. Ask your students to be friendly and welcome her to the class.


Option B

25. In a PTA meeting where contribution for a PTA fund raising project was discussed, a parent with three children enrolled in the school pleaded that she may not be charged the total P900 (since each child is asked P300) because it was beyond her financial capacity. The teacher adviser answered, “Marami kasi kayong anak, wala na tayong magagawa dyan!” To maintain your cordial relations with parents, which could be the BEST answer?

A. “We understand your plight. Let’s find out how we can help. Do you have any proposal?”

B. “This was agreed upon by all of you. This amount did not come from me nor from any one. Unless everyone in this meeting now changes his/her mind.”

C. “We feel for you. But agreement is agreement unless we repeal what we agreed upon from the very start.”

D. “It may be quite late to raise the question. This should have been raised in the first meeting.”


Option A

26. A school’s academic coordinator has been found to engage in gambling, which has caused him to be absent most of the time. Can his certificate of registration as a teacher be revoked?

A. No, unless he’s proven guilty.

B. No, because he’s protected by his rights as a teacher.

C. Yes, because habitual gambling is a dishonorable conduct and is against the practice of teaching.

D. Yes, because he’s incompetent.


Option C

27. A student asks a question to which you don’t know the answer. What should you do?

A. Ignore the question and entertain another one.

B. Tell them honestly that you don’t know the answer.

C. Give that as an assignment to be answered the following day.

D. Tell them that you have studied it in the past, but that you have forgotten about it now.


Option C

28. You are always short of money. The mayor's son is failing in your class. One day, Mrs. Mayor visits you and offers a loan payable when able, in exchange for a favorable mark for her son. What should you do?

A. Thank the mayor's wife and decline the offer.

B. Sincerely thank the mayor's wife and explain that regretfully you cannot do it because of the Code of Ethics for Teachers.

C. Accept the offer but fail the mayor's son just the same.

D. Accept the offer and give a passing mark to the mayor's son.


Option A

29. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?

A. Yes, because teaching is more than enough full time job.

B. No, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials.

C. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated.

D. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the betterment of communities.


Option D

30. How do you characterize values that apply to the whole of humanity as taught by great teachers, such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus and the like?

A. Secular values

B. Sectarian values

C. Universal values

D. Values of organized churches


Option C

 31. Which statement/s describe/s old, time-tested teaching methods? 

I. They are teacher-directed. 

II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance. 

III. Procedures are well-established.

A. II and III

B. I and II

C. I and III

D. I, II and III


Option D

32. The list of LET competencies upon which your licensure examination is based is a product of five consultative workshops with the academe in the entire country. What approach to LET competency development was used?

A. Interactive

B. Objectivist

C. Rational

D. Collaborative


Option D

33. Kurt loves to design and build things. At the age of 10, he has already designed and built his own tree house. He has designed and built elaborate buildings as projects for book reports. He has built a raft that actually floated down the local creek. What would Howard Gardner say about Kurt?

A. Kurt is high in visual spatial and logical mathematical skills.

B. Kurt is high in naturalist skills.

C. Kurt is high in verbal skills.

D. Kurt is unlikely to be successful in school.


Option A

34. If you learn best through listening to lectures, discussions, and to what others say, what type of learner are you?

A. Auditory

B. Visual

C. Tactile

D. Kinesthetic


Option A

35. Which is a classroom application of Vgotsky’s idea of scaffolding?

A. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.

B. From the start leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-learning.

C. Don’t spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.

D. Give the learner a task that challenges her ability.


Option A

 36. Which is TRUE of the integrative approach to lesson planning? 

I. Multidisciplinary 

II. Teacher-centered 

III. Highly structured lessons

A. II and III

B. II only

C. I only

D. III only


Option C

37. The framework for creative thinking includes the production of a great number of ideas or alternative solutions to a problem. Secondly, the ideas produced must show a variety of possibilities and different points of views. Together they are considered effective in developing creativity among students. What does the framework include?

A. Problem solving and enhancing

B. Variety and strategy

C. Different approaches and strategies

D. Fluency and flexibility


Option D

38. OBE stands for outcomes-based education. It is a student-centered approach that focuses on intended learning outcomes resulting from instruction. All except one of the following may be considered as outcomes or end targets of an OBE. Which one?

A. Knowledge gained from attending classes

B. Products which reflect a learner’s competence in using content.

C. Demonstrations of actual learning

D. Applications of lessons learned


Option A

39.In direct instruction, the role of the teacher is more of a _______.

A. Proctor

B. Parent

C. Lecturer

D. Guide


Option C

40. Ms. Amores wanted to inculcate the love for learning Mathematics among her students. Which technique should she use?

A. Enable students to have meaningful learning experiences to apply their Math lessons.

B. Provide students with easy exercises that they can readily answer.

C. Assign fast learners to teach slow learners.

D. Give slow learners homework to do with their Math class buddy.


Option A

41. Which is one justification of the use of the lecture method?

A. When subject is very new and there are no references yet

B. When students are poor motivated

C. When teacher is substituting for the regular teacher

D. When subject is very broad in scope


Option A

42. For empathy and for value change and development, which is best?

A. Simulation

B. Game

C. Role playing

D. Drills


Option C

43. Ms. Toledo wants to develop the social skills of her students as they learn different phases of matter. How can she accomplish this?

A. Group students with equal abilities together and let them perform an experiment on phases of matter.

B. Group students with different abilities together and let them perform an experiment on phases of matter.

C. Ask them to group pictures of solids, liquids, and gases.

D. Show them how to distinguish solids from liquids and gases.


Option B

44. The second year students were discussing climate change. Each group was expected to come up with a solution that would protect the environment. Which is the best method of delivery to attain tangible results?

A. Demonstration method

B. Project method

C. Problem method

D. Laboratory method


Option B

45. For values education, which technique is most appropriate?

A. Conflict story

B. Simulation

C. Brainstorming

D. Panel discussions


Option A

46. Ausubel recommends the use of visuals designed to bridge the gap between what the learners already know and what they need to know. Which visual is referred to?

A. Pictures

B. Concept maps

C. Comparison patterns

D. Overviews


Option B

47. Students learn best when they discover things by themselves. What materials will be most effective in conducting experiments?

A. Posters and charts

B. Film and slides

C. Models and real objects

D. Manuals and illustrations


Option C

48. To keep students focused in the discussion, what must be done especially if students are unruly and noisy?

A. Employ innovative strategies.

B. Explore various means of giving sanctions.

C. Ignore the students who are misbehaving.

D. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the Guidance Office.


Option A

49. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is in the highest level?

A. To play the piano skillfully

B. To endure fatigue in the entire duration of a game

C. To discriminate shapes by touching

D. To move hands and legs in a coordinated fashion


Option A

50. Why is there a need to write lesson plans?

A. To comply with the requirements set by the school.

B. To guide the teacher in the learning activities

C. To get a good rating in the performance of appraisal

D. To be able to show something during classroom observations


Option B