Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 4 Part 1

This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Teacher Cho wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which he explained to the class before the students begin with their task. Based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are the students?

A. Evaluating

B. Synthesizing

C. Applying

D. Analyzing


Option A

2. According to Piaget’s basic cognitive concepts, what is the earliest meaning structures we form during the infancy and early years e.g. idea of a dog or cat?

A. Accommodation

B. Assimilation

C. Schema

D. Equilibrium


Option C

3. People today think much about Climate Change and the need to protect life on the planet. More than in past centuries mankind today has high aptitude for ____________ thinking.

A. conservation

B. abstract

C. decentering

D. reversible


Option A

4. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF). The Asian History teacher teams up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF from the perspective of other disciplines. Which describes the Asian History teacher’s pedagogical approach?

A. Integrated

B. Reflective

C. Constructivist

D. Inquiry-based


Option A

5. Along Erikson’s psychosocial theory, which states industry?

A. I get pleasure in my doing things

B. I avoid the difficult to succeed

C. I am embarrassed at what I do

D. I don’t know what I want to in life


Option A

6. Only licensed teachers are hired in the public school. This is an evidenced of teaching as a

A. Profession

B. Mission

C. Vocation

D. Calling


Option A

7. Along Piaget’s principles, this is opportunity for young earners to experience the world in order to have a foundation for language and learning in their early schooling

A. take field trip

B. discuss what they see on television

C. use words to describe what is seen, touched, heard, etc.

D. ewards students who are models for the rest of the class


Option C

8. Along Piaget’s principles, ________ is NOT appropriate for Social Studies learning at the level of cognitive ability of adolescent learners.

A. essay writing on a social issue

B. use of drawing and illustrations

C. discussion on varied issues that divided the country then.

D. consideration


Option B

9. Along Erikson’s psychosocial theory which states intimacy?

A. I like to be alone and quiet by myself

B. I keep private thoughts to myself

C. I feel that no man is an island

D. I want to be free and uncommitted


Option C

10. Pavlov’s behaviorist classical conditioning applies to school learning by way of stimulus and response in the following situations, but NOT in _________.

A. engaging students in discussion

B. announcing dean’s listers

C. posting honor roll in bulletin boards

D. giving rewards for school achievement


Option A

11. Skinner’s ________ which states that change in overt behavior like events can result in learning and this can occur in school as well as

A. Shaping of behavio

B. Operant Conditioning

C. Behavioral Chaining

D. Reinforcement Schedules


Option B

12. In Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory of development the following contribute to the learners’ social environment with __________ opening the door for learners to acquire knowledge.

A. lessons

B. classroom

C. activities

D. language


Option D

13. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this principle?

A. let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps

B. group students for work or project that way project becomes less expensive.

C. teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective

D. avoid drills which are out of context


Option A

14. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. So what must teacher do?

A. Make students connect facts learned to form concepts and abstractions.

B. Use multisensory aids to teaching.

C. Teach as many facts as you can.

D. Teach for test purpose only. Teach to the Test


Option A

15. Teacher Flora should go through continuing professional education.

A. Profession

B. Calling

C. Mission

D. Vocation


Option A

16. Which is easiest for the teacher to devise for testing more advanced cognitive abilities particularly for connecting allied concepts?

A. Completion

B. Matching

C. Essay

D. True or False


Option B

17. The search for related literature by accessing several date bases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer in a library with other computers that have data base is termed as _________.

A. manual search

B. computer search

C. on-line search

D. compact disc search


Option C

18. Advance organizers use __ to make connections among various pieces of information for Efficient recall

A. Visual imagery

B. Elaboration

C. Organization

D. Rehersal


Option B

19. A teaching cycle is not complete without ___ of learning.

A. reviewing

B. recycling

C. planning

D. assessment


Option D

20. Among thinking skills, Analysis means,

A. Comparing information proper choices

B. Selecting relevant and important information

C. Breakdown complex information

D. Placing information


Option C

21. Which cognitive ability is tested in the essay question? A listing of ways to tackle noise pollution.

A. Creating

B. Classifying

C. Inferring

D. Generalization


Option A

22. To learn complex subject matter, it is most effective to Experience from information and

A. classify facts

B. organize ideas

C. construct meaning

D. divide elements


Option C

23. Based on bloom's taxonomy, this activity is suitable to contribute to comprehension and learning but NOT to include _________.

A. causal relationship

B. analogy

C. outline

D. text reading


Option A

24. How does a novice learner acquire information?

A. Selected information

B. Important information

C. All the information

D. Meaningful information


Option C

25. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course teaching profession, based on Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive structure or processing are you?

A. Applying

B. Creating

C. Analyzing

D. Evaluation


Option B

26. Teachers, principals an professors are person in authority. What act confers this status to the?

A. RA 578

B. RA 1265

C. RA 586

D. RA 558


Option A

27. What document contains provisions that stipulate the proper conduct of behavior of teacher in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities?

A. Code of Ethics for Teachers

B. The Bill of Rights

C. The Philippine Constitution

D. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers


Option A

28. What is the law enacted by Congress which provided free public secondary education?

A. RA 6735

B. RA 6657

C. RA 6935

D. RA 6655


Option D

29. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?

A. Build a table of specification

B. Define the instructional objectives

C. Decide on the length of the test

D. Select the type of test items to use


Option B

30. What kind of multiple question is: “For an agricultural country like the Philippines, which should the country advance for its economic development: (a) agriculture production (b) industrial development (c) tourism (d) finance and banking”?

A. application of a concept

B. Simple knowledge

C. Assessment of a problem

D. Application of a formula


Option C

31. Which of the following Essay topic best measures problem-thinking skills and originality?

A. Images of the Philippine presidency

B. Dr. Jose Rizal: as a Patriot

C. Human rights issues in the post-EDSA Philippine democracy

D. Facets of Filipinism Today


Option C

32. For integration of ASEAN member state, each have their own respective national qualifications framework what does the Philippines have?

A. National Qualifications Framework

B. The developmental National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

C. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

D. Philippine Qualification Framework


Option D

33. Which is the direct motivator among the following words/affirmation given by a teacher before an examination?

A. I will be happy if you try your best

B. It’s alright to guess

C. Don’t work too slow or you’ll be left behind

D. Pay close attention to time


Option A

34. Evaluation of school or education programs is based on ______ rather than on mere quantifiable data.

A. emotional feelings

B. human judgment

C. measurable estimates

D. sense perceptions


Option D

35. Teacher’s observation to evaluate students’ work and outcome needs to be objective and this done with _____________.

A. written notes or records

B. memory or recall

C. hunches and guesses

D. common sense


Option A

36. What is the existentialist point of view relative to aim of education?

A. To develop cognitive power

B. To re-engineer society

C. To know themselves and their lives place in society

D. To acquire productive skill


Option C

37. What educational aims is postulated by social efficiency?

A. Idealist

B. Essentialist

C. Pragmatist

D. Realist


Option C

38. What philosophical belief describes the experiences and needs of the students should be considered in preparing the curriculum?

A. Idealist

B. Progressivism

C. Pragmatism

D. Essentialism


Option B

39. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to three-fold function of Secondary

A. Continuous General Education

B. Transmission of Knowledge

C. Preparation of Students for Higher Education

D. Provision of skills for useful Endeavour among students


Option B

40. The following are characteristics of progressive curriculum EXCEPT _______.

A. knowledge that comes from various disciplines should be the focus.

B. the classroom is only one place for the students to learn: learning can take place anywhere.

C. focuses on the experience of the students and supervised by the teacher.

D. takes into account all the curricular elements and test these elements through real life application.


Option A

41. In order to have an effective teaching and learning, there must be an adequate utilization of learning materials. What type of curriculum is this?

A. Hidden curriculum

B. Recommended Curriculum

C. Supported Curriculum

D. Assessed curriculum


Option C

42. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior what is happening when teacher goes from topic or activity to other topics or activities, lacking clear direction and sequence of activities?

A. Dangle

B. Thrust

C. Truncation

D. Flip-lop


Option A

43. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior what is happening when teacher ends an activity abruptly?

A. Stimulus bounded

B. Thrust

C. Truncation

D. Flip-lop


Option C

44. The Principal Holy Trinity Private School wants to avail of the rights in the Magna Carta. Is his claim legal?

A. Yes, he is principal.

B. Yes, if he is a licensed teacher

C. No, the school is a private school

D. No principal are not considered teachers.


Option C

45. Teacher Paula demonstrated the deductive method of teaching in her English class. Based on her teaching demo she asked the class to outline the steps of deductive teaching method, the students outlines served a she starting point of the class discussion on the steps of deductive method, did teacher Paula do deductive

A. Yes, she began with the concrete.

B. No, she went inductive.

C. Yes, she went deductive.

D. Both deductive and inductive


Option B

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