Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2

Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2
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Welcome to the comprehensive second-quarter multiple-choice examination reviewer designed to sharpen the skills and knowledge of students across grades 7 to 10. This meticulously crafted resource aims to provide a thorough understanding of the diverse subjects covered during this quarter.

This reviewer encompasses a wide array of subjects and topics that are fundamental to each grade level's curriculum. From the foundational concepts in mathematics to the intricacies of language arts, sciences, and social studies, this resource aims to aid students in reinforcing their understanding and mastering the essential concepts.

Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2
Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Our ancestors are traditionally good weavers. When the Spaniards came, they introduced another type of weaving which is still being practiced by our textile industries. What is it?

A. Nito Weaving

B. Pina Weaving

C. Sinamon Weaving

D. Hablon Weaving


Option B

2. It is the uniform repetition of any of the elements of art.

A. Contrast

B. Emphasis

C. Pattern

D. Movement


Option C

3. It is a principle of arts that gives sense to the painting which “feels stable and feels right”.

A. Balance

B. Contrast

C. Emphasis

D. Pattern


Option A

4. What is the art element being emphasize in the Tingkop of Palawan?

A. Lines

B. Color

C. Patterns

D. Space


Option C

5. Which is the colorful and linear designs which used as a wrapped around piece of cloth being as skirts for women?

A. Habi

B. Kimono

C. Patadyong

D. Sinamay


Option C

6. This fine fiber requires a long laborious extraction process from leaves to be made into fine textile. The processing of this fiber has been a tradition in Aklan.

A. Bariw

B. Husi

C. Pina

D. Romblon


Option C

7. Miag-ao church in IloIlo depicts which European style of Achitecture?

A. Baroque

B. Gothic

C. Neoclassical

D. Renaissance


Option A

8. It was once recognized as the “Weaving Capital in the Philippines”

A. Cebu

B. Bicol

C. Panay Island

D. Zamboanga


Option D

9. This festival in Leyte features street dancers that are painted from head to toe with beautiful designs and incredible styles. The dancers resemble the tattooed warriors of ancient times in the Philippines.

A. Ati-atihan

B. Maskara

C. Pintados

D. Sinulog


Option C

10. Which pictures depicts the arts and design in Iraya basket in Mindoro?


Option D

11. What is the element of design being featured in this art and craft?

A. Color and geometric design

B. Patterns and designs

C. Shapes and Forms

D. Texture Space


Option B

12. Why Manunggul jar is considered as one of the precious artefacts’ in Philippines pre-colonial era?

A. Ancient writing system

B. Product of ancient times

C. Secondary burial of a deceased

D. Used in preservation and wine making


Option C

13. Why patadyong weaving is an important industry in Iloilo?

A. Used for fashion

B. Colorful and linear design

C. Product of hand weaving

D. Wrap around piece


Option C

14. What is the function of NAGLALARA in Samar Leyte?

A. Dye maker

B. Fabric embroider

C. Mat weaver

D. Textile designer


Option C

15. Why do Sinulog differ from Ati-atihan Festival in Aklan?

A. Cultural background of each festival

B. Same iconic presentation of Sto. Niño

C. Using costumes of Hispanic periods and paints

D. Focuses not on ritual itself but on the historical aspects of the dance


Option A

The difference between Sinulog and Ati-atihan Festival in Aklan lies in A) Cultural background of each festival. While both celebrate the Sto. Niño, their cultural origins and contexts vary, influencing the distinct ways they are celebrated and observed.
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